Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Thank You

FINALLY! All my hard work has paid off! I have my voice back and I am very well conditioned for the competition tonight! And it's all thanks to my friends, family and vocal coaches who had stuck with me 'til the end! PLUS of course my determination to win and my passion for singing helped too. :)

There are so many people to thank... so I'm gonna start with:

MY MOM, who stuck with me from the very beginning and has supported me in all my endeavors... She's my number one supporter in this POP ICON competition... My stage mom, thank YOU! I will be a much better daughter to my mama from now on! I LOVE YOU MA!

MY DAD, who patiently drove me to practices, Pop Icon rehearsals and costume fittings. :)

MY SIBLINGS, who are always there supporting me and cheering me on!

MARK BADONG, who graciously took some time off from his busy schedule to watch me sing every night and bring inspiration. Thank you for giving me my strength and passion back. This song is for you and you know it! :)

MICHAEL ARLOU DE DIOS, who listened to my woes every night and gave me time to think about what I should do to pull myself up again. Thanks for being such a wonderful and supportive friend! And for giving me HK! I will bring her tonight! ^^

MRS. KHOURY, for always believing in me and giving so much confidence! And for taking some valuable time each day to coach me for free in your class. I am sorry for those times that I felt I couldn't do it, but I am thankful that you have so much faith in what I could do! :)

CRISTINA PENALOSA, for being a very patient vocal coach! You've done so much in polishing my song and helping me get back on track after getting sick! I would still be singing sharps and flats if it weren't for you!

JEI-C, who gave me that very powerful message that woke me up from my desperation! I will never forget what you said, that my enemy is me and I am my only inspiration. That my song is about being a fighter so I should fight... and so I AM FIGHTING! :D

MS. LAURIE and MS. SITTI, two of the most wonderful co-workers in the world! Thank you for lifting me up each day and for allowing me to go to Ms. Khoury for my training even during work times hehehe. :)

MY FRIENDS AT FACEBOOK/MULTIPLY, POP ICON S2 and S3... Thank you for all your wonderful and inspiring messages! Thanks for taking time to vote for me as well. :)

And above all... GOD THE ALMIGHTY, for Whom I owe all these blessings. If it weren't for God I wouldn't be in this competition. Thank you Lord!!! This fight is for YOU!

The competition is tonight at 5PM KSA/10PM PHIL. at the Philippine Embassy here in Riyadh! Please take some time to pray for me or send me some positive vibes. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Climb

Lately I have been down in the dumps, because I have been sick with a sore throat and cough for two weeks and that rendered me useless, because I am not allowed to practice my piece, to sing and to do cardio work-outs for my breathing. And so when I came back from being ill my voice was not in good condition.

Then last Saturday, for the first time after two weeks of being sick, I sang again with Mrs. Khoury... and I really sucked! I didn't nail the high notes, I wasn't myself. AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH! I WANTED TO CRY that time!

I only had 6 DAYS... SIX freakin' days before the competition and I am still not at my best!!!!!!

A huge part of me wanted to give up. But a chockfull of friends were lifting me up with wonderful words of wisdom. A friend of mine even asked me the title of the song I was going to sing in the competition, and I was like “You already know right, it’s Fighter”… and that’s when he made his point, that my song was about being a fighter and fighters don’t give up, they fight! A friend of mine also said that I have to think about my passion in singing, my determination to win and stay focused in what I’m doing… and that’s what I am doing right now.

I can’t say that I am back to what I was before I got sick but atleast I’m doing my best now and not giving up.

I guess struggles like these happen to challenge people and see if they really want what they want. I suppose a lot of pop stars had to go through same things like these in the beginning.

Well, just like Miley Cyrus said in her song, The Climb:

“The struggles I’m facing, the chances I’m taking, Sometimes might knock me down but no I’m not breakin’… But I gotta be strong, Just keep pushing on! There’s always be gonna another mountain, I’m always gonna wanna make it move, Always gonna be an uphill battle, Sometimes I gonna have to lose, Ain’t about how fast I get there, Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side… IT’S THE CLIMB!”


Sunday, February 14, 2010


It’s been more than a week since I practiced singing and it is making me feel rusty.
I have been sick since Feb. with a sore throat and that lasted for a week, which was then followed by a bad cough and I still have it today.
I guess this is a lesson for me not to overdo practicing especially during cold weather. Now I realized how important it is to take care of, not only my singing voice, but of my health as well, otherwise it will be useless if I can’t sing well because of my condition.
My vocal coach suggests to stop singing once I feel tension in my throat, and to only sing my piece twice a day to not strain my voice. I should’ve listened to her.
Now, I only have less than two weeks to prepare for the 1st elimination round and I’m still not in my best shape and I still haven’t been rehearsing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Audition Piece

 My Audition Piece during the Pop Icon Auditions uploaded by Sherwin... LOL... don't LAUGH! :))